“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”
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3 years of running has made it clear to me, that this is a sport I would love to do as long as I could - preferably beyond old age!
I've seen and met a lot of octogenarian in all the 3 marathons I finished.
Amazement and admiration are the first couple of (many!) emotions I feel, whenever I see a 80+ year old lady or gentleman running in front of me proudly wearing a t-shirt listing all the marathons they've ran, and still plan to run!
This is a topic I can go on and on about but back to "My 2015 Goals".
In "When A Look Back Year, Fuels The Future" blogpost, you could read what my goals were in the previous years (2011-2014). I also wrote there lessons I've learned in each running year. You may notice that I have words/mottos I focused on for each year. I find it very helpful, when I get distracted. And I do easily get distracted!
This year the focal points would be acceptance, balance, consistency, and determination. Yup, my 2015 ABC to fit!
My goals might surprise some of those who are following me longer - no multi-marathons or no time goals etc. But the goals below are what I feel will contribute to making myself a better runner, and improving the quality of life for my family and I.
My goals might surprise some of those who are following me longer - no multi-marathons or no time goals etc. But the goals below are what I feel will contribute to making myself a better runner, and improving the quality of life for my family and I.
Morning Runner
Yes, I am still in pursuit of the "Early Bird" status.
I am not giving up on early morning running but I realized I need to work further on having a better structure in our day to accomplish this.
The need for structure is one of the many reasons why I run!
Life in a 5 man household can be chaotic as much as you plan things ahead.
Structure gives daily life a strong backbone and foundation.
My humble step towards this goal: run at least a mile @ 6 am at least 1-2 a week, and once every weekend.
My humble step towards this goal: run at least a mile @ 6 am at least 1-2 a week, and once every weekend.
Cinderella in Bed
You can't wake up early, if you don't go to bed early!
As far back as I can remember, I've always been a night owl.
I love mornings! Specially the mornings I spend with my family. But I sometimes spend doing many things in the evening/night because it is when it is most quiet. It is when I can hear my thoughts clearly.
Even though I do not usually mind running in the dark, this January has been mentally tough to do so. It has affected my running motivation.
My baby steps towards the goal to sleep better, still remains: sleep before midnight.
I've always wanted to create a food journal. This is one of the reason I finally joined the Instagram bandwagon, even if I resisted it for so long (I am aware of my addictive personality!).
3 months shy away of my 1st year Insta-anniversary, I am VERY glad I did add the app to my phone.
I might not have shared a daily food diary, when I joined, like I originally planned but it kept my goal alive.
My baby step towards this goal: a weekly food diary this Februar to start with! I'll see how it will develope from there.
5 Alive
After my injury in Summer 2013, I promised myself that I will not forget to appreciate even 1 km of running.
This year, I would like to go out for a 5K run when I mentally struggle, and can't run the distance I am supposed to run on the day.
My plan for this goal: no matter how slow my 5K pace is, my focus will be on the effort to go out anyway inspite of the mental struggle. January was such a great warm-up for this!
My plan for this goal: no matter how slow my 5K pace is, my focus will be on the effort to go out anyway inspite of the mental struggle. January was such a great warm-up for this!
picture originally shared on the blog: So Long September! On to October! It is where I recorded my joy over my first 5K wearing new orthotic insoles after 5 weeks of not running. |
I'm also been striving in the past years to run at least 4 times a week, and I think I will manage to increase this to 5 times a week - my Rotterdam Marathon training is a great aid to this goal. It seems to have developed very naturally the past 2 weeks, since the focus was on increasing mileage more than the frequency of the run each week.
GO(al) Less, Enjoy More
A friend once commented I have way too many goals!
I replied,"The goals keeps me going. I am fueled by them!"
Even if I do not accomplish any of the goals this year, all the efforts are small steps to eventually fulfilling them, one day.
Even if I do not accomplish any of the goals this year, all the efforts are small steps to eventually fulfilling them, one day.
“Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.”
What are your goals fit/fitness goal(s) this year, and what are you doing to work your way towards it(them)?
No matter what the goals are, don't forget to have fun while your on your way to fulfilling them!
No matter what the goals are, don't forget to have fun while your on your way to fulfilling them!
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If I can run, so can you: big dreams are reached with baby steps!