Wednesday, December 11, 2013

11.12.13: Break Your Barriers!

screen shot of the Christmas Clock (2013)
(the time is when I started writing this blog)
quote found on a poster @ Google Images
I took the liberty of revising it
Today, I created a personal inspiring poster as a future reminder to myself , when I face yet again my self-imposed walls.

Words have always had a powerful effect on me, and this quote spoke to me very strongly:
The beginning is always tough
But once you are in it
You will become

I thought it will be a good mantra to ward away the naughty elves, when they begin sprinkling procrastination & distraction all around. ;)

Beginnings. Focus.  They are my personal barriers.

What is/are yours?

This is also a post to introduce an upcoming running community event, that I will later share on  Happy Feet in the NL's FB page : Poster Your Inspiration.

:) Please like the page and watch out for the update!

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If I can run, so can you: big dreams are reached with baby steps!