Thursday, July 20, 2017

Berlin Marathon Training Week 13 - Week 26

Blogger's Note:  

Due to daily life being busy, I had a lot of my weekly marathon update written in blog draft form.  Specifically  Berlin Marathon Training Week 13 - Week 26, all remained unpublished.  Until today! Week 13 is finally done!

Week 13 photo documentation

Instagram Story edits, helped me a lot keep track!

Beginning this week: Week 27, I will be regularly publishing training updates once again, every Monday.  Week 14 - Week 26 will be edited as time becomes available but I would like to finish them before my 6th RUNniversay (in 19 days!). Basically, I have at least a day for each unpublished blog draft.

Often, when I go back to piece together my own story/documentation, I can no longer recall why and how I did, what I did. hahaha ;)

This is  the original reason, why I started blogging after all: to remember and never forget! :)

The dates of the blogposts will  be the dates , they were created in draft form. I'll be publishing them with annotations (such as what you are reading , now! :D ) mainly to avoid confusion in the future!  

Specially if lots of time has passed in between; I've learned not to trust my own memory and simply write everything down. 

If you would like to read through/back from Week 13 until Week 26, you can find these posts under the tag:  

They (a total of 14 blogposts) won't show up all at once because I am still in the process of (20.07.17: 1 published blog!) finishing each post.  

It is always about the links, the notes for specific training days (thoughts/epiphanies  I had during the run, which I don't want to forget!) and my struggle to let go of my perfectionism, which makes it longer for me to publish!

Anyway! Taking a much needed rest  (from blogging, social media, training), and what I did during those breaks helped me a lot regain a more positive, productive attitude.  I've re-learned how to look at and approach everything with simplicity.  I hope my renewed energy, positive attitude, my never ending quest to simplify will continue on as I write my future blogs.

Week 27

SUPER happy, after being ill 4-5 days, a recovery/tempo run!
This was the first time I ran once again from the marina in Naarden,
starting from where our sail boat lay at anchor.

P.S. to Celebrating 172!

Once again to avoid confusion, even though I will be adding a total of 14 blogposts ("old unpublished draft post", which will be preceding (since they will be published on dates they were written in draft) the celebratory 172 published blogs, I still will count them as published after 172.

My apologies, I am confusing you, dear readers! :D  

It is simply a process of completing my Berlin Marathon training documentation.  One of the mini-goals of this 2017 marathon adventure, I am trying to achieve!

Celebrating 172! blogpost has been titled as such, so it is easier for me in the future to keep count of the blogs I will publish thereafter.

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