Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Flevoland (HFNL AtoZ Challenge 2015)

Have you read my brief introduction to this challenge?

If not, here is the link: Introducing HFNL A to Z Challenge 2015

My personal blogging theme for this year: the places I have been in the Netherlands.  

At Happy Feet in the Netherlands (HFNL), I'll be writing about the places (which is not only limited to city, towns or villages but may also include restaurants, stores - places we go for hikes, where we sailed, or a special spot etc.) from the perspective of a runner.  

The blogs here @ My Daily Mooosings in the Netherlands on the other hand will be from a perspective of an expat, mom, traveler, writer, who seeks to simplify life.

Today, "we go to" : Flevoland, specifically to (the city of) Almere.  

The memory of a run.

My second run on the sand, @ Almere beach, Netherlands

a moment captured by mijn liefste P,
as I finished my run and Littlest welcomed me
with a big warm smile and warm embrace

This is a another Throwback post - the images above were first shared @ MDMNL in 2012.  

They were pictures from my training for my first ever Zandvoort Circuit run 2012.  I always think of Almere and Zandvoort together.  Since my preparation for Zandvoort Circuit run brought me to Almere strand (beach).

I realize just now, it's my cool connection - A to Z on my running story map! :)

This was taken from 2nd Zandvoort Circuit run.
Collage for my 1st Zandvoort Circuit run

There are a couple of interesting race events that I would like to run in Almere but so far I have not managed to do them, yet.  Amsterdam and other cities have kept me busy for 3 years.

One of the memorable longest run I did in 2012 in preparation for Berlin marathon was a 18 km,  and I ran it from the home of my sister-in-law, who lives in Almere with her family.

We were invited for a get together, and I was happy that they understood how important my Sunday run was in preparation for my first ever marathon.  They appreciated that I did drop by. I received calls while I was running because they wanted to know how I was doing along the way, and they called again to make sure I safely reached home.

I'm curious if there are places/stuff/experiences from the past, that you realize in hindsight, during this blog challenge, that are connected in a funny way to each other like my A (for Almere) and Z (Zandvoort), did?


  1. i've never been much of a runner, but I like how you ran to your sister in law's house.

  2. Gee, I was just at your other blog...

    John Holton
    Blogging from A to Z 2015 Cohost
    The Sound of One Hand Typing


If I can run, so can you: big dreams are reached with baby steps!